Wednesday 23 January 2019

Pharmacology important terms

Here we are studying some Important terms of pharmacology.

Pharmacology : science of drug,
In broad it deals with exogenously administered chemical molecules with living system or any single chemical materials which can produce a biological response known as drug.

Drug : drug is a substance present in medicine used for diagnosis, treatment, cure of disease in humans and animals.

Pharmacokinetics : movement of the drugs within the body ; it includes the process of absorbtion, distribution, metabolism, excretion.
In short we can say 'what the body does to the drug, .

Pharmacodynamics : It is the study of drugs- their mechanism of action, pharmacological actions, adverse effect, means it covers all aspects relating to 'what the drug does to the body.

Chemotherapy : It deals with the treatment of infectious diseases/cancer with chemical compounds that have relatively selective toxicity for the infecting organism or cell cancer.

Clinical Pharmacology : It is systematic study of drug in man, both in healthy volunteers and in patients, it includes the evuation of pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic data, the safety, efficacy and adverse effects of a drug by comparative clinical trials.

Essential drugs : Essential drugs are those that satisfy the health care needs of majority of the population.

Orphan drugs : Drugs that are used for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of rare diseases.

Bioavailability : It is the fraction of drug that reaches the systemic circulation from a given dose in an unchanged form.

Biotransformation : Chemical alteration of drug in a living organism is called biotransformation.

Excretion : removal of drug and its metabolites from body is known as drug excretion. The main channel of excretion of drug are kidneys, others are lungs, faeces, sweat, saliva, tears, milk.

Clearance : it is defined as the fraction of apparent volume of the distribution from which the drug is removed.

Apparent volume of distribution : it is defined as the hypothetical volume of body fluid into which a drug is uniformly distributed at a concentration equal to that in plasma.

Blood brain barrier BBB : The capillary boundary that is present between the blood and brain.

Placental barrier : The lipid membrane between mother and foetus.

Drug potency : The quantity of drug required to produce a desired response is potency of drug.

Drug efficacy : It is the maximum effect of drug.

Antagonism : The effect of one drug is decreased or abolished in the presence of another drug.

Agonist : an agonist bind to receptor and mimic the action of other chemical substance.

Antagonist : an antagonist binds to receptor and block the action of other chemical substance.

Tachyphylaxis : when a drug administered repeatedly at short interval, response diminishes rapidly.

Adverse effect : any undesirable and unwanted effect due to drug administration which needs caution in future use.

Idiosyncrasy : it is usually a genetically determined adverse reaction to drugs.
e.g. aplastic anaemia caused by chloranphenicol.

Glaucoma : glaucoma is progressive optic neuropathy which leads to damage of optic nerve with loss of visual function that is associated frequently with raised IOP.

Myasthenia gravis : it is autoimmune disorder where antibodies are produced against Nm receptor of NMJ resulting in a decrease in number of Nm receptor.

Cholinergic agent : Mimic the action of cholinergic drugs

Anticholinergic agent : block the action of cholinergic drugs.

Adrenergic agonist : mimic the action of sympathetic stimulation.

Adrenergic antagonist : block the action of sympathetic stimulation.

Hypertension : hypertension is the most common cardiovascular condition. A persistent and sustained high blood pressure has damaging effect on heart, brain, kidneys and eyes.

Angina pectoris : the main symptom of ischaemic heart disease, is due to an imbalance between oxygen supply and oxygen demand of myocardium.

Congestive cardiac failure :there is an inadequate contraction of heart leading to reduced cardiac output.

Arrhythmia : disturbances in cardiac rythm (i.e. abnormality in site of origin of inpulse, its rate, regularity or conduction).

Plasma volume expander : plasma volume expander are colloidal solution used for temporary maintenance of blood volume in emergency situations.

Diuretics : diuretics are drugs that promote the excretion of Na+ and water in urine.

Osmotic diuretic : these includes mannitol, urea and glycerol.

Anti diuretics : reduces urine volume.

Sedatives : drug that reduces excitement and clams the person.

Hypnotics : drug that produces sleep resembling normal sleep.

General anaesthetic : refers to drug induced reversible loss of consciousness and all sensations.

Local anaesthetic :  drug which applied topically or injected locally, block nerve conduction and cause reversible loss of all sensations in part supplied by the nerve.

Epilepsy : epilepsy is a disorder of brain function characterized by paroxymal cerebral dysrhythmia.

Analgesics : Drugs that relieve pain without significantly altering consciousness.

Parkinson's disease : first described by Sir James Parkinson. It is characterised by tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia, and loss of postural reflexes.

Antipsychotic drug : also known as neuroleptic drugs or antischizophrenic drugs. Mainly used in schizophrenia, acute mania, other acute psychotic states.

Anti anxiety : drug that can relieve anxiety without interfering mental and physical function.

Anxiety : physical and emotional distress which interfere in normal life.

Mania : mania is an affective disorder that manifests as elation, agitation, hyperactivity, uncontrolled, thought and speech.
Drugs used as antimanic agent : lithium.

Histamine : histamine is a biogenic amine present in many animal and plant tissues. It is also present in venoms and stinging secretions. It is synthesized by decarboxylation of amino acid, histidine.

Prostaglandins : prostaglandins are products of long chain fatty acids. They are widely distributed in the body.
The main prostaglandins in man are PGE2, PGE2alpha, PGI2.

Gout : gout is a disorder of purine metabolism in which plasma urate concentration is raised either due to overproduction or impaired excretion of uric acid.

Rheumatoid arthritis : Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic multi-system autoimmune disease of unknown cause, the main characteristic feature is persistent inflammatory synovitis of peripheral smaller joints.

Antitussives : they inhibit the cough reflex by suppressing the cough centre in thr medulla. They are used for the symptomatic treatment of dry unproductive cough.

Expectorants : expectorants are substance used for the removal of sputum from respiratory tract. e.g. iodides, chlorides etc.

Mucolytics : these agents break the thick tenacious sputum and lower the viscosity of sputum, so that sputum comes out easily with less effort.

Bronchial asthma : impairment of airflow due contraction of bronchial smooth muscle, swelling of bronchial mucosa and increased bronchial mucus secretion.

Emetics : drug that produce vomiting are called emetics.

Antiemetics : drugs that are used to prevent or control vomiting are called antiemetics.

Coagulants : they promote the coagulation of blood and hence are used to prevent or treat haemorrhagic states.

Local haemostatics : these drugs are used locally to control bleeding from capillaries and minute vessels.

Anticoagulant : drugs that reduce the coagulability of blood.
e.g. heparin.

Fibrinolytics : fibrinolytics promote the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.

Antiplatelet : drugs that inhibit platelet aggregation are called antiplatelet.

Haematinics : Haematinics such as iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, etc. are required for formation of blood and are used in the treatment of anaemia.

Erythropoietin : it is a glycoprotein produced by peritubular interstitial cells of the kidneys in response to hypoxaemia.

Hypoxaemia : low level of oxygen in blood.

Diabetes mellitus : it is a clinical syndrome characterised by hyperglycaemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin.

Chemotherapy : Chemotherapy is the treatment of infectious diseases or malignancy with drugs to destroy microorganisms or cancer cells preferentially with minimal damage to the host tissues.

Amoebiasis : amoebiasis is a protozoal infection caused by Entamoeba histolytica, which is transmitted through faecal-oral route.

Anthelmintics : drugs used in treatment of infections with helminths in the intestinal tract or tissues of body.

Some more will be posted soon.

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